
scientific and technical website design

what our customers have said about our work...

Quote. Thank you VERY much! That is a brilliant piece of workEnd quote.
Anne Hardy (nee Wilkinson) June 2019 (Wilkinson Foundation website)

Quote.It all seems to be running well, all the safety officers seem to be pleased.End quote.
Andy Platts, School of Medicine, University of Sheffield, June 2019 (Online Safety System website)

Quote.I’m thrilled by these updates. Just done my bit on the applications that were approved yesterday and we’ll have a few more to go through tomorrow.End quote.
Markus Heller, January 2019 (European Society of Biomechanics)

Quote. – thanks for all of your efforts – website looks great!End quote.
Paul Brickle, May 2018 (South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute)

Quote. ... thank you very much again for your excellent work on the website! Our committee met two weeks ago and everyone expressed how happy they are with it and our new online system!End quote.
Richard Balint, Tissue and Cell Engineering Society Communications Officer, April 2017.

Quote. The quality of the website and services provided to us by Cook & Kaye has been of a very high standard. We have a very good working relationship with them; they are always quick to respond to our queries providing efficient and creative solutions.End quote.
Jean Simpson, DARE Research Support Manager, April 2017.

Quote. The new electronic CoSHH system is very good. It's a huge improvement on (old system). The system is very easy to use and enables a thorough assessment. Its strongest feature is searching for chemicals to add to your CoSHH and immediately having all relevant MSDS data.End quote.
Andrew Dwyer, Postgrad student using the Liverpool CoSHH system, June 2015.

Quote. Fantastic! It looks great.End quote.
Halina Sobolewska, NoahGene, May 2015.

Quote. Your efforts have been really important in making the Council more efficient, providing our members with more efficient web-based tools in managing their subscription, and (last but not least) increasing the visibility of ESB.End quote.
Hans Van Oosterwyck, 16th July 2014. Website: European Society of Biomechanics

Quote. I am completely satisfied with the website and the service provided by CookandKaye.End quote.
Prof. John Stanford, 19th May 2011. Website: The High Polymer Research Group

Quote. The new users have had no complaints and the users who were familiar with the old system have had nothing but good things to say about the new one.End quote.
Elaine Frary, COSHH administrator, University of Sheffield Department of Chemistry, June 2009.

Quote.I would like to say a big thank-you to you for all the work that you have put into the site, its a huge improvement on the previous site and the feedback we have received so far is very positive. End quote.
Robert Holmes, Events Marketing Coordinator, The Civic

Quote.Just to let you know that the average visit length of the new website has gone up from 3.26mins on the old site to 4.32 on the new site. Hopefully the longer they are there the more chance of a purchase! End quote.
Dave Jones, Managing Director Mobility Nationwide - Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles

Quote.The new users have had no complaints and the users who were familiar with the old system have had nothing but good things to say about the new one. End quote.
Elaine Frary, COSHH administrator, University of Sheffield Department of Chemistry.

Quote.I asked CookandKaye to provide me with a web site for my European network (PolyFilm, Framework 6 Marie Curie Actions) and I was so pleased with the outcome they won the contract to develop and maintain the web pages for the MSc nanoscale science and nanotechnology masters courses from the Universities of Sheffield and Leeds ( It is not just the quality of the output that is there for all to see, but also the very useful advice and suggestions that were offered as well as the prompt and efficient service. End quote.
Dr Mark Geoghegan, University of Sheffield.

Quote....let me congratulate you on the implimentation of the Paypal part of the LigBank web site - we had occassion to use this for the first time earlier this week and it worked a treat - I was very pleased. I have every confidence that the LigBank Web Site can now be subjected to the worst aspects of human computing endevour (ie Organic Chemists) and survive. '...' Thank you,End quote.
Prof Simon Woodward, University of Nottingham.

Quote....your working relationship with us has been an excellent one, but what particularly impresses me is the effort you have put in to understanding what we are about as you develop the site. The development of our logo exemplifies this perfectly - it says exactly what we want the IRC to be!End quote.
Prof. Tom McLeish, director of the IRC in Polymer Science and Technology.

Quote.The quality of work is excellent... the feedback from students has been very positive and the Department now has a useful resource that will be used for many yearsEnd quote.
Dr Mark Winter, University of Sheffield, creator of WebElements

Working at Sheffield (1999-2000) was our first taste of developing material for online education. There was not much experience of this work in the UK at that time, but the students using our courses showed greatly improved examination performances - so it was a learning experience for everyone!

Quote.Conscientious and diligent - interacting with a wide range of personnel to provide us with an excellent serviceEnd quote.
Prof. Anthony Ryan, OBE, University of Sheffield, and current director of the Polymer Centre

Quote.(the animation) shows very visually what is happening in the process - I shall use it in all my lectures on this subject!End quote.
Prof David Cole-Hamilton University of St Andrews

Quote.Proactive... bringing forward new ideas, talking to members and interpreting their science in a way most likely to be appreciated by visitors. Our site has attracted much favourable comment End quote.
Prof. John Ebdon, former director of the Polymer Centre.

We were involved with the Polymer Centre (one of the largest multi-disciplinary research centres in the UK) from its inception, talking to the board about their goals, and the members about their research intersts. We encompassed these within a coherent site plan, and finally designed the site itself.

Quote.We were very, very impressed with the animated mapEnd quote.
Phil and Corrine Robertson, Lochaline Dive Centre

We have maintained our contact with Lochaline dive Centre through a change of ownership - and redesigned the site completely in 2006 for the new owners.

We would like to thank all of our clients for the opportunity to work with you, we've enjoyed the experience, and are pleased that you have been so complimentary about our work!

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