Web archive
a history on the web
In our latest upgrade we realised that we have been going for a very long time (in web terms) with a site archive stretching back over 15 years.
Below are some of the sites we have helped realise over this time. We've tried to group them roughly by time period, and have linked to sites that are still running, where appropriate.
Jump to archive sites built: Before 2000, 2000-2005, 2005-2010, 2010-2015, 2010-2020, after 2020
Recent websites

The George and Dragon, 2021
The The George and Dragon is one of Lancaster's oldest pubs, and offers visitors and locals a friendly atmosphere and fine ales!
The design puts the main offers on a single page, with a simple top menu jumping to the relevant sections of that page. Pretty much all of the page content - banners, text, beers are customisable, and driven by an extensive (but easy to use) administration section. The public page content is marked up with 'rich results, providing meta-data to improve search engine performance.

TFI Network, 2021
The TFI Network aims to assist the foundation industries (glass, cement, ceramics, bulk chemicals, paper ...) to remain competitive whilst simultaneously facing challenges from environmental legislation and the drive towards net-zero carbon 2050.
The website includes a membership area where researchers can submit grant applications. The administration section is extended to facilitate application management by the network administrators.

BioMedEng Association, 2021
The BioMedEng Association was founded in 2008. It represents academics from over 20 UK universities and institutes working in multidisciplinary programmes that use engineering tools and techniques to solve problems arising from biology and medicine.
The website is based on our 'off the peg' model, but introduces dedicated conference hosting and management facilities for the first time...

Society for Natural Sciences, 2020
The Society for Natural Sciences (SNS) is a professional body for scientists, educators and students working across the discipline boundaries of science. It offers an accredited degree programme, seminars and conferences to its student and academic membership.
Our blog post introuces some of the security policies adopted for society websites to protect member's data:

UK Society for Biomaterials (UKSB), 2019
The UK Society for Biomaterials (UKSB) is a non-profit organization working to develop novel biomaterials to tackle current clinical needs for medical devices, prosthetics and for regenerative medicine. Their membership interests include medical materials science, biosensors, biomechanics, biocompatibility, tissue engineering, and many other subjects.
The site home page introduces the society and showcases its online presence on the Twitter platform.

On-line Safety System (OSS), 2019
Developed with the School of Medicine at the University of Sheffield; the Online-Safety System provides a gateway to safety management for members of the School. It includes CoSHH, which has been adapted to make it more relevant for biological agents. There is also an on-line substance safety data catalogue, and the Standard Operating Procedures library. The Risk Assessments system (STAR), developed for the University, is linked from within OSS.

Online Safety Audit, 2019
Developed with Health and Safety at the University of Sheffield, the online safety audit system provides a uniform evaluation procedure for safety across the University. The system is based on a large set of standard questionnaires targeted at different aspects of the management of health and safety issues within each constituent school and department within the University.

European Society of Biomechanics Conference Portal, 2018
The European Society of Biomechanics Conference Portal allows the ESB to keep its congress abstracts online at minimal cost to the society. For a number of years we ran their conferences through OCS (Open Conference Software). Regrettably this software very painful to use, so we never advertised it for fear that someone else might want the service!
More recently congress organising committees have turned to proprietary managed conference hosting packages. This left the twin problems of extracting congress archives from the old OCS platform, and also archiving the new congress abstracts, to save the ongoing costs of paying for conference management package long after the conference has finished!
To do this we constructed a new WordPress site for the conference portal, that the conference organisers can add the discriptive side for the new conference. While the conference is active this points to the proprietary conference management solution. After the conference has finished, we take the archive dump, remove the personal information, and re-build it as a custom template in WordPress to allow the archive to be accessed (in perpetuity?).
The image above left is from the Vienna congress site in 2019.

SPINNER - Next Generation Spine Experts, 2018

Spinner is a doctoral training programme aimed at Bioengineering early stage researchers, to train bioengineers to be in a position to design the next generation of repair materials and techniques for spine surgery. SPINNER brings together partners from the biomaterials (Finceramica), implantable devices (Aesculap), and computational modelling (Ansys, Adagos) industries with orthopaedic clinicians (National Centre for Spinal Disorders, NCSD) and academic experts in cell, tissue and organ scale biomaterials and medical device testing (Universities of Sheffield and Bologna).
The design brief included the logo, shown top left. The site is built in WordPress, with an initial temporary site using a generic WordPress template, to get the programme publicity quickly, and allow the recruitment of suitable doctoral candidates. A screenshot of the desktop version of the final website is shown left.

South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute (SAERI), 2017
The South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute (SAERI) a Research Institute conducting research in the South Atlantic from the tropics down to the ice in Antarctica. SAERIās remit includes the natural and physical sciences. It aims to conduct world class research, teach students, and build capacity within and between the South Atlantic Overseas Territories.
The site is built in the popular WordPress content management system, to permit SAERI staff to perform updates. There is a custom database link allowing visitors to access SAERI's extensive Metadata Catalogue for South Atlantic territories online.

Online Risk Assessment (STAR), 2017
The STAR (Stop, Think, Act, Review) risk assessment (RA) system was developed with Health and Safety at the University of Sheffield. It harmonises risk management across the University. Four access levels provide fine-grain control over user capabilities within the system, from student users working under the supervision of an academic member of staff (or junior colleague working under their line-manager) in a single department through to super administrators with an overview of the activity at a University wide level.

Tissue and Cell Engineering Society (TCES), 2016
Tissue and Cell Engineering Society (TCES) has the aim of furthering knowledge, research and dissemination of information on cell and tissue engineering. Founded in 1999 by people coming from many different scientific disciplines and environments (industry, universities, research centres, government agencies) across the United Kingdom, TCES aims to promote the propagation of scientific information, stimulate the creation of research programmes, co-operate with other scientific organisations, and act as a source of expert information related to tissue and cell engineering.
The site was built in WordPress using the 'mobile first' design docterine, with the inclusion of News, Facebook and Twitter feeds in the home page. There is a separate login secured section for membership information and payments.
The screenshot above left was taken from a smartphone.

The High Polymer Research Group, 2016
The High Polymer Research Group runs one of the most prestigious international polymer conferences. Established in 1960, with its first conference in 1961, the group has held annual conferences ever since that date.
We took on the site in 2007, replacing an earlier website that was unusable if you did not run Internet Explorer (a browser that is no-longer supported). The new site featured online payments (using PayPal), and has an archive of previous programmes (by tradition, no formal minutes are kept for High Polymer Research Group meetings). The most recent update in 2016 saw the introduction of a more mobile friendly design (shown above left), and secure certificates for safer browsing.

Sheffield Biomaterials & Bioengineering 2016
Sheffield Biomaterials & Bioengineering was focussed on translational research in the fields of Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering and Bioengineering.
The site was built using the popular WordPress content management system with minimal changes to a standard WordPress template, to provide the group with an attractive site that they can maintain themeselves, at minimum financial cost to the research effort!

Designing Alloys for Resource Efficiency (DARE), 2015
DARE was an ambitious project to invigorate UK based metallurgy based industries, drawing academic partners from Cambridge, Imperial, Kings and Sheffield. Industrial partners include pretty much all of the UK's metals industry.
The website was designed in two phases, an initial 'quick-build' site provided the project with an online presence pretty much instantly. Subsequently we worked up a more refined design to include a logo prepared by Sebastian Conran Associates.
The final design includes a 'splash page' with a simplified menu to help visitors find what they want quickly. For this page we had a full page scaling background image of metal turnings ('swarf'). Interior pages have feature images, many of which are derived from the project members. Initial content was based on the grant proposal, permitting us to assemble a rich website quickly, without taking up the time of lead researchers while they were working on getting the project started.
The screenshot above left is taken from the mobile version of the site. More about the DARE site design in our news pages.

Stores Purchase Management (SPM), 2015
The Stores Purchase Management (SPM) system, developed in 2015, allows the in-house management of inventory while helping ensure that users have the required safety and operational training. The system has been used for managing central (Grubbs) dry solvent supplies, gas cylinders, liquified gasses, and general stores items.

COSHH Liverpool, 2015
The COSHH system for the Department of CHemistry at the University of Liverpool introduces a number of new developments, including a printable one-page COSHH summary form for display over the place of work, providing a quick visual guide to the hazards in use.
Dealing with personal safety in the research environment, COSHH systems are protected, and access is not available to the general public.

Noahgene provide state-of-the-art molecular genetics services to plant and animal breeders, researchers and conservationists world-wide.
You can follow the site development and 3d modelling of DNA for the original site banner on our projects pages.

European Society of Biomechanics
The European Society of Biomechanics is a learned society founded in 1976 to encourage research, disseminate knowledge and promote progress in Biomechanics.
The new home-page design brings together an introduction to the society, alongside a calendar of events, news and a visual demonstration of the work the society is engaged in. It also offers a public platform for the ESB's corporate members, and a private means for other memebrs to get in contact with each other.
For this project it was important to have a user friendly CMS, to keep ongoing maintenance costs down. We offered the ESB a hands on experience of the latest Joomla and WordPress installations, both loaded with their core public pages, so they could get a fair feel for how both systems worked.
This site presented a number of challenges, the most significant of which was checking and importing their existing custom-built database backend.
The final site offers an easy to use CMS coupled to a membership area with PayPal integration for membership payments and jounral subscriptions, a newsletter, custom gallery and diary feature.
Due to its complex layout, this site is built around 'smart divisions'. These permitting visitors on smart phones to tap-and-zoom to view/read parts of the page. It was felt that a simplified layout for small screens would, in this instance, have either made it difficult to navigate around all of the page, or resulted in some elements being left out of the mobile version...

Lochaline Dive Centre
Lochaline Dive Centre's website was built in the WordPress CMS. The Centre offered divers friendly accommodation in the Sound of Mull, Scotland, with access to some of the best shore, scenic and wreck dives in the UK, as well as to some spectacular scenery and wildlife on land!
The site includes a home-page slide show advertising centre activities, with an integrated booking management system, and interactive dive maps. It was an early example of responsive designed site, making it mobile-friendly.

SEM Calibraition Standards
SEM Calibration Standards - is a new website for Eastern Analytical, a long established company developing software and standards for analytical electron microscopy. Their products have a broad range of applications including forensic work.
The site is in WordPress, with a PayPal driven shopping cart.

Simulators for Teaching
Simulators for Teaching (sim4t) - are suppliers of sophisticated teaching laboratory experiments and support material suitable for University undergraduate and postgraduate teaching laboratories.
The sim4t website is a very basic WordPress installation, required to permit them to carry out preliminary market evaluations.

Sheffield Centre for Electron Beam Lithography
The Sheffield Centre for Electron Beam Lithography enabled research groups and small companies to build nanostructures, nanoelectronic devices and optical gratings.
Design work included the site, with a characteristic banner which appears to be cut by a lithography tool and the logo, which was based on a diffraction grating. All site pages feature a full screen background image, an electron micrograph of one of the Centre's nanostructures (requires HTML5 - older Internet Explorer browsers will see a plain grey background).
The home page has a simple Javascripted marquee looping through the main offerings of the Centre to bring content to the visitor. This was driven by a custom plugin, so that all parts of the site can be readily updated by the client.
The site demonstrated an early example of 'flexible design', with elements being re-ordered on the narrow screens of smart-phones to make it more accessible on these platforms.

UK Semiconductors 2012
The UK Semiconductors conference is an annual conference on all aspects of semiconductor research.
The requirement was for a simple site that was required quickly, but could be easily updated in future by the conference team for each subsequent annual conference.
The site is built in WordPress, with custom calendar to present important conference dates on all pages, and an exhibitors marquee, offering links through to sponsor's websites.
The site design is based on the standard WordPress theme, and offers some flexibility, with elements being re-ordered on the narrow screens of smart-phones to make it more easily viewed.

Eastern Analytical
Eastern Analytical - specialists in particle analysis using the scanning electron microscope. They provide a range of services to forensics and other specialists, including gunshot residue analysis software, SEM calibration standards, specialist sub-stages and training.
The site was designed with multilingual support coupled to 'intelligent' templates that permit the client to select which pages get published in each language.
The site was an early example of 'flexible design', with elements being re-ordered on the narrow screens of smart-phones. The business now trades under SEM Calibration Standards, using an updated design by CookandKaye.

bbCareers aims to help people facing an uncertain career future. The new company offers 1:1 tailored support to help clients re-evaluate their life prospects, and get to grips with the nitty-gritty required to ensure they get the job and life prospects that we all want!
The site makes use of the latest features in the new (version 3.1, 2010) WordPress templates. We also developed a short promotional video.

The Chemistry Map of Scotland 2011
The Chemistry Map of Scotland was built for the Royal Society of Chemistry as part of their International Year of Chemistry celebration (2011). It was presented at the Science and the Parliament meeting in Edinburgh on Wednesday 9 November 2011 (CookandKaye blog post).
The purpose of the site was to encourage school children to explore the chemistry by looking at how it impacts their local area. I had thought it would be mostly a historic project, but the children's submissions show that it is anything but - they saw chemistry as very much a part of a living and working landscape; the local galvanising works, offshore wind-farms and whiskey distilleries are at least as important as the work of Joseph Black (1728 - 1799)!

Lochaline Dive Centre
Lochaline Dive Centre offers friendly accommodation in the Sound of Mull, Scotland. The dive centre's location gives access to some of the best shore, scenic and wreck dives in the UK, as well as to some spectacular scenery and wildlife on land!
We built our first site for the dive centre in 2002, and have now worked with two generations of owners! Over the years we have extended our original site to include multilingual pages, a wildlife gallery and bulletin board. More recently we have migrated the entire site into WordPress, allowing Mark and Annabel to easily update this portion of the site. There are custom plugins to manage dive maps, the home page slide show and the online booking system.
The upper screenshot of the site is from its most recent iteration in 2014. This has a home page slide show and booking calendar. This built on the older site (shown below) incorporating the interactive dive maps and news archive from this.

The Civic
The Civic is based in Barnsley, and offers a wide range of family entertainment, theatre, cinema, dance, comedy, music and other events. The site, developed in 20017, was based on designs for printed advertising literature by Eleven.
Innovative coding solutions in this site included a custom calendar and event display. The event display took items from the Joomla! Content Management System and displayed them in rotation on the home page as four themed slide shows offering events in cinema, drama, comedy etc...

Big Anchor Project database
The Big Anchor Project provides a simple way to record old anchors, and make these heritage items a public and academic asset and an opportunity to learn more about their place in our maritime history.
Our role was to build the database and its public interface, which we integrated into an existing site design by Enterprise Marketing.

Gay Icons Project (November-December 2010)
The Gay Icons Project celebrated gay icons, and invited visitors to add their own icons, and attend talks and shows.
The series of events is supported online by the a blog, live twitter feed, and the facility to add your own gay icon.

Sheffield Synthesis Solutions
Sheffield Synthesis Solutions was built in the popular Joomla! open content management system, to permit the team to update pages as required through the project.
The site was based on a design by John Gelder of Eleven Design, to harmonise with printed literature prepared for the team.

Sheffield Solar Farm
The Sheffield Solar Farm website was designed to provide information for the public and policy makers on the use of photovoltaic cells in the UK. The first stage of the site included a simple graphical meter showing live solar irradiance and photovoltaic outputs, and graphs detailing output over the last 24 hours.
The Solar Farm was opened officially by the leader of the Liberal Democrat Party Nick Clegg MP on 20th August 2010.

Nanofactory offered assistance to SME's in the Yorkshire and Humberside region in the field of applied micro & nano technologies. The objective of the website was to publicise their work, and encourage small businesses to contact them, so they could be guided towards funding sources and technologies that would help retain industries in the region.
The site provided a shop window for nanotech in the region, and encouraged contact with the Nanofactory staff at every opportunity, with fly out contact forms and easy-to-navigate resources.

The Organic Materials Innovation Centre at the University of Manchester carried out about 70 projects for over 30 companies for a project value approaching £2M between 2003 and 2007. The website was, however, broken...
We developed a new OMIC site with a simple design to assist future management. The new site takes newsfeeds from the OMEC website, and includes a number of stock graphics selected at random to provide visual interest on each page.

Eleven Design
Eleven is a graphic design consultancy that creates intelligent and effective design solutions for print, web and brand identity. It was a great pleasure to work with them to realise their design for their own website in the Joomla! Content Management System (CMS).
This site is the antithesis of mundane CMS systems. The dynamic layout and menu structure come together beautifully to earn Eleven new commissions!

ICARUS is a partnership of leading European research groups working in the areas of organic and inorganic semiconductors, nanotechnology and photonics. The new site has been commissioned to help recruit PhD and Post Doctoral staff to new projects that aim to develop better display and signalling technologies and photovoltaic systems.
The banner, also designed by CookandKaye website design, is a stylised depiction of organic molecules, nanoparticles and electromagnetic radiation - covering the remit of the research partnership. The banner background tiles over the width of the browser window, while the page centres in this window. The result provides a simple, yet visually interesting site even on massively wide displays...

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)
The University of Sheffield COSHH database has been built within the University's site templates to provide seamless integration with the support and administrative functions of the Department of Chemistry.
The site is a secured for access by Staff and students at the University, and allows staff and students to quickly prepare COSHH assessments, and for these assessments to be easily evaluated by the department prior to approval. It includes a simple chemical search facility, as well as a COSHH assessment lookup - valuable for preparing new assessments, or in case of accident and emergency.
Further details of this extensive project are available on our blog post entitled COSHH online.

Directed diffusion across a surface energy gradient
The movie depicting Directed diffusion across a surface energy gradient was prepared by CookandKaye website design, working directly from preprints of the authors' scientific manuscript. The movie was released to coincide with the paper's publication and extensive publicity by the Unviersity of Sheffield (see for example Step Forward For Nanotechnology: Controlled Movement Of Molecules in Science Daily)
The interactive movie uses a stylised polymer chain to depict the actual movement inferred by the research workers from a wide range of nanoscale analytical techniques.

Mobility Vehicles Ireland - wheelchair accessible vehicles
Mobility Vehicles Ireland - supplied wheelchair accessible vehicles throughout Eire. This site was developed with economy in mind, being based on the design of the site for one of its parent companies (Mobility Nationwide), and is search-engine optimised to minimise advertising costs.

METRC The N8 Molecular Engineering Translational Research Centre
METRC The N8 Molecular Engineering Translational Research Centre is a virtual lab pooling expertise from leading research centres across Universities in the North of England. Our focus is on soft nanotechnology and its applications in UK industry. Together, we deliver the strategic R&D services needed to drive the research agenda and stimulate economic growth.
The site includes an integrated WordPress based news delivery system, which is readily updated by the client's staff. A novel addition to this is a simple headline fieed into the home page, to help keep the website fresh and attract visitors to the latest news stories.

Scapa Flow Marine Archaeological Project
ScapaMAP - the Scapa Flow Marine Archaeological Project: is a multi-disciplinary, multi-institution, international project involving government agencies, industry and the academic community, designed to document a unique marine archeological area in the waters of Scapa Flow in the Orkney Islands of Scotland.
The site includes a 3D map and high resolution wreck survey images, which are all freely downloadable.

SABRE (supporting the built environment sector) was a partnership between the University of Sheffield and BRE (www.bre.co.uk). The partnership brought together the extensive range of expertise that both organisations have in the built environment sector.
In the SaBRE website was built in W3C compliant HTML to match a design created by Eleven design for the client. The site itself is encapsulated in Joomla 1.5, one of the most popular open source content management systems available. This permits the client to create their own content, and add images and other media to the site, within the design contraints.
The launch of Sabre coincided badly with the downturn in building sector work following the collapse of the banking sector.

FaraPack Polymers - polymer expertise for industry
FaraPack Polymers Ltd. undertakes proof of concept, research development, problem solving and trouble-shooting work in the area of polymeric materials. They provide a unique access to facilities and expertise to aid companies in problem solving, analysis and testing facilities, innovation and materials research including access to a wealth of resources from The Polymer Centre, and the Polymer IRC, a collaboration between Sheffield, Durham, Bradford and Leeds Universities which form one of the largest groupings of Polymer Specialists in the world. We also provide a wide range of contacts built up through years of successful trading.

Ortalan - specialises in corporate risk and public safety, drawing on the talents of top health and safety and legal professionals in the UK to help companies manage risk effectively.
We have recently updated our client's website, introducing a range of new resources for clients in the logged in area, and bringing the underlying code up to he latest W3C standards.

Nanofolio research features
Nanofolio research features covered a series of animated features introducing some of the ongoing research in nanotechnology at the Universities of Leeds and Sheffield (Nanofolio). Current research highlights include propulsion systems for small particles, organic nano-scale light emitting diodes, electrothermal modelling of integrated circuits and insulating film-based biosensors.
Copy, images and movies for the website were derived directly from members' research papers, with their approval! Some features were created from virtual 3D models of nanoscale structures also created by CookandKaye.

Cumbria Stained Glass
Cumbria Stained Glass - Peter McNaught is a stained glass craftsman based in Cumbria, who trained at York Minster. His work includes creation and repair or refurbishment of stained glass windows, mirrors and door panels.
It is a great pleasure to bring this site, which reflects some of the beauty of Peter's work, online.

The EPSRC nanotechnology image library
The EPSRC nanotechnology image library was created with grant aid from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council. Images were collected and post processed by Andy Eccleston to provide a resource of scientifically accurate images about nanotechnology and nanoscale science and engineering. The site also hosts a number of videos about different topics in the subject.
The site also feeds images at random to the Nanofolio home page.

What is nanotechnology?
What is Nanotechnology? aimed to put the nano world into context for high school children, examining some of the reasons why nanotechnology has become so important, and taking a critical look at the future this technology may offer us. The site offers a range of resources, plus links to selected sites on the internet for further information.
The site content was written by Barry Kaye of CookandKaye with scientific input from the Universities of Leeds and Sheffield nanofolio. It includes an interactive feature taking the visitor on a trip down the scales from a football to a buckyball - both with the same structure, but with eight orders of magnitude difference in size. Other aspects of nanotechnology are illustrated with artwork and short animations, all developed by CookandKaye.
To maximise accessibility the interactive scales movie is supported by additional notes and images beneath it. These reinforce the message, make it accessible to people using audio browsers, and provide additional information and links to further resources for interested students.

White Rose DTC
The White Rose doctoral training centre (DTC) was run jointly by the Universities of Leeds and Sheffield, requiring a bespoke website, rather than one that was part of one or other University.
The site performed admirably, encouraging a large number of high quality applicants, but the core funding was discontinued after the original grant from EPSRC.
Our design included the development of a logo for the DTC, based on a peptide structure folded into the form of a rose. Other features on the site were developed from the course organisers' research papers.

ScienceWords was a project supported by Professor Sir Harry Kroto to make attractive scientific images available to students and the general public. The hope is that these will provide a natural catalyst to our curiosity. (Sir Harry Kroto and colleagues were awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1996)
The website is based on an open source gallery, which we 'skinned' to give it a unique and eye-catching appearance. The site was interesting in having an early version of the (currently ubiquitous - in 2014-15) slide-show on the home page.

PolyFilm is a European Community-funded Framework 6 Research Training Network, which has the aim of studying the properties of confined polymer films.
This site was built using the existing PolyFilm site template, which has a separate menu which floats to the right of the main page. The page background is taken from an Electron micrograph of a confined polymer film surface, while the EC Framework 6 logo is enclosed in an image of the same film peeling (or 'dewetting') from a substrate.

Mobility Nationwide - wheelchair accessible vehicles
Mobility Nationwide - the UK's leading supplier of quality used wheelchair accessible vehicles. We'd been looking after Mobility Nationwide for a number of years, following the untimely death of the original web designer.
The current website employs the colourscheme and many layout options from the original site, providing continuity for a well established family firm. The current site, however, uses responsive design HTML5/CSS3 code to delive content to desktops and mobile devices. Continuity continues behind the scenes, with live stock management screens, so staff are kept up-to-date on which vehicles are attracting interest - and which are not...
The site employs custom built algorithms to assist visitors in selecting a vehicle based on their browsing history. There are separate pages introducing the major manufacturers in this field, pages which still link to the database, giving the visitor current information on the stock available. This is coupled with smart search options giving the visitor the ability to browse vehicles by desired features or price range.
The home page features slideshow introducing Mobility Nationwide, plus quick links to latest stock items.

Confined polymer films (September 8-12, 2008, Sheffield) is an international conference covering thin polymer films including polymer crystallisation, polymer brushes, glass transition, soft nanotechnology.
This site was built using the existing PolyFilm site template, which has a separate menu which floats to the right of the main page. The re-use of design elements reduced build costs, and ensured the conference site is in keeping with the rest of the website.
The page background is taken from an Electron micrograph of a confined polymer film surface, while the EC Framework 6 logo is enclosed in an image of the same film peeling (or 'dewetting') from a substrate.

IKUWA3: The Third International Congress on Underwater Archaeology (IKUWA3 10th July to 12th July 2008). A large number of project partners came together to organise and run this conference - the largest conference on underwater archaeology ever held in Britain. Additional events included a 3-day Professional Development Field School, and optional excursions.
This site was built with multilingual support - though only the index page was eventually translated into German and French.
To provide background for IKUWA4 and subsequent conferences, the site has been rebuilt within the NAS domain.

Biomaterials research group
The biomaterials research group carried out research from concept to clinic in a range of areas including advanced biomaterials, oral biocompatibility, prosthesis design and tissue engineering. The research was considered of international standing by independent UK Government analysts.
We first designed a website for the group back in 2005, with an update in 2007, to include new research, as well as a simple user driven news bulletin system. This group no longer has an independent web presence.

New directions in complex molecule delivery
New directions in complex molecule delivery (November 28th 2007) was a one day conference run by the Formulations Science and Technology Group and the Sheffield Polymer Centre.
As part of the site design we developed an animated banner depicting the changes occurring in molecule delivery systems, from simple tablet formulations, to modern liposomal nano-delivery packages.

The Electronic and photonic molecular materials research group is a leading research group working on these advanced materials.
Our client wanted a site that reflected the University of Sheffield style, but needed assistance updating copy and developing artwork to make the site stand out.

Prof Mark Geoghegan's Research Group
We developed a new style for Mark based on his existing site, which had a lot of great ideas, but gone a bit out of control. The new design is unusual for us, with links ranged to the left of the page featuring little graphic details activated by mouse overs. The interactivity adds a bit of fun to an otherwise very clean design. The design is intended to permit the art work, that is an integral part of Mark's site, to stand out.

PNG - 18th International Conference
Functional and biological gels and networks: theory and experiment (3rd to 7th September 2006, Sheffield) - the 18th international conference of the Polymer Networks Group.
The site includes all of the usual stuff for a conference - programme, about, means to submit abstracts and so on. It's design encorporates graphics provided by members of the organising committee.

NanoFolio - nano scale science, engineering and nanotechnology 2010
NanoFolio was the nano scale science, engineering and nanotechnology Masters Degree (MSc) portfolio of the Universities of Sheffield and Leeds. NanoFolio offers Europe's most established and prestigious qualifications in this rapidly expanding area of science and technology.
The website houses a range of features illustrating and explaining aspects of nanotechnology at a level suitable for high-school students or students early in their degree courses in science. These features have also been developed by CookandKaye, in consultation with members of academic staff.
There is also a large archive of teaching materials, which is accessible to students at the two Unitersities. CookandKaye were responsible for maintenance of the site, including adding new teaching material.

INDAC-Chem brings together the Universities of Nottingham (UK), Geneva (Switzerland), Sassari (Italy) and Dortmund (Germany) to offer advanced training in selective catalysis and synthesis.

The FUMASSEC consortium brought together the University of Nottingham, UK, the Université Louis Pasteur in Strasbourg, France, and the Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona (CSIC) in the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain. The consortium trained PhD-level personnel in using multifunctional nanomaterials for sustainable development.

Macro Group (2005)
The Macro Group UK is a joint special interest group of the joint interest group between the Royal Society of Chemistry and the Society of Chemical Industry. It brings industrialists and researchers with an interest in polymers together.
It was maintained by the Macro Group using 'Contribute', an early content management system that allowed the client to keep the site up to date.

Polymer and biomaterials chemistry labs
The polymer and biomaterials chemistry labs, were based at the University of Sheffield, and covered a broad range of research and consultancy activities.
The Labs wanted a small, simple site, that would serve as a stage for their research work, displaying it to best advantage. The original site built in 2005 The had an opening virtual 3D graphic of a simple polymer chain.
In the 2011 update, this was replaced with a 3D interactive molecular model of a real polymer! This was groundbreaking work for the time, using a Flash interpreter we developed for the PDB standard XYZ structural file, so this would run in all browsers of that era without needing a specialist plugin.
In the 2011 upgrade we also moved the content to the WordPress Content Management system, replacing the older 'Contribute' system, and making it much easier for our clients to keep the site up-to-date. Ths screenshot above left is from the more recent site.
The research group moved to Bradford in early 2015.

Nautical Archaeology Society
The Nautical Archaeology Society is the lead charity for underwater archaeology and ethnographic study in the UK, and is well regarded internationally. The website communicates with a widespread membership - offering online access to their journal, newsletter (avoiding printing and postage costs has allowed the society to reduce the cost of membership and turn a profit on the Newsletter for the first time).
The site was designed in 2005, and included a custom news database and members only section. Since then we have added a number of features, including a wrecks database and members contributory wiki and announcements system.
This was an early site to adopt the RSS newsfeed system for keeping visitors up-to-date.

Functional materials by design
Functional materials by design, Prof. Mike Turner's Research Group's website at the University of Manchester. The group's research covers a broad range of functional polymeric materials, and encompasses the synthesis, optimisation and development of these materials for new applications in industry.
The site carries a research profile, and biographies of current and past group members.

The Dental Advice Research and Techlnology Service was formed in 1988 as a University of Sheffield Advisory and Consultancy Service. It is situated within the Department of Adult Dental Care at the School of Clinical Dentistry and has at its disposal technical, clinical, materials and biomaterials science personnel within the Dental School and University.
This site was designed in 2005, the service was discontinued in 2013.

With a radio, television, web and actual visiting audience of over 2.5 million people Wonderland Sheffield was a great success. This evocative work instigated a curious and receptive response at Meadowhall shopping centre, the Botanical Gardens and other sites from a broad range of people.
The Wonderland website was designed by DEDass, an international design agency, we were responsible for arranging domains, hosting, and ensuring the pages met W3C standards.

RASSE (2004)
The Rapid Archaeological Site Survey and Evaluation research project was funded by the Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund administered by English Heritage to evaluate underwater archaeological sites. The project was led by reaserchers at the University of St Andrews School of Geography and Geosciences, but brought in experts from around the country to collaborate on the development and evaluation of new underwater monitoring systems for archaeology.
As a part of this project we were able to develop features explaining the new techniques and the results obtained from them. This included (for the time) ground breaking virtual 3D environments rendered on the then commonly available FLASH platform.

The Polymer IRC
The Polymer IRC represents polymer researchers at four Universities in the UK. With strong connections to industry, the IRC also ran courses and the Polymer Showcase, one of the most important events in the UK for promoting dialogue between academia and industry in the polymer sector.
Designed back in 2004, the site was notable for having an early type of database driven Content Management System, based on an open source Wiki. This permitted administrators to edit copy on the site very easily. Our work for the IRC included logo development - a logo was recognised as a leading brand identity by its competitors' market research!

LigBank - the European Lignd Bank ran between 2004 and 2011. It was an initiative by the European Commission to bring researchers from across Europe together. The site allowed information and new designer chemicals to be traded quickly across the sub-continent. The site enabled members to search for chemicals with the desired characteristics, and order samples for further testing and evaluation.
The project was heroic, and ground breaking in many ways for its time, both in its scientific scope and in its web coding. While the site was highly praised, it prove impossible to physically ship research chemicals by commercial carriers, due to safety concerns, so the physical side of the trading system was never able to get off the ground.

MCS: Lancashire area group
The Marine Conservation Society: Lancashire area group website. For anyone with a love of the sea, the MCS is part pressure group, part meeting ground for interested people. While the UK's seas cover an area three times that of the land, and host half of our national bio-diversity, very little of it is protected in any way...

Polymer Centre research features
We created the first Polymer Centre research feature in 2003, and have added to the series on an occasional basis since that date.
The features provide a background to some of the research undertaken at the Polymer Centre, which conducts research into every aspect of polymer science, from synthesis of novel polymeric materials through to applications in the consumer, health care, textiles, aerospace and other industries.

University of Sheffield School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
To meet funding requirements, it was necessary to create a School of Medicine website with the basic online features expected of a modern department.
We were instrumental in researching and preparing the required copy for this site, speaking to academics and department administrators to determine what facilites were available for students on the course, and how they could engage with them.
Following our work, the School was able to move the site into the University's Content Management System (they had previously been barred from this, lacking the basic online resources expected). The current site therefore reflects the new University style, and has been expanded and developed since our input in 2003. (Current website)

Barnsley VTS
Barnsley VTS provided a site for the very well regarded General Practitioner vocational training scheme based at Barnsley.
The site built on our experience in the medical field - which was fairly extensive even in 2003, when this site was developed. It was maintained by the VTS secretary using 'Contribute', an early content management system that allowed the client to keep the site up to date.

The Organic Materials in Electronics Consortium represents a number of Universities around the UK engaged in the development of the next generation of optical and electronic materials.
First designed in 2002, the site is still very effective, so in 2009 only some small layout changes were required. Behind the scenes, however, we rebuilt the site in WordPress, which will allow our client to easily update and manage the site in future.
The WordPress installation also feeds news items to two other sites our client is engaged with, helping to disseminate research news quickly and effectively.

Lochaline Dive Centre
Lochaline Dive Centre offers friendly accommodation in the Sound of Mull, Scotland. The dive centre's location gives access to some of the best shore, scenic and wreck dives in the UK, as well as to some spectacular scenery and wildlife on land!
We built our first site for the dive centre in 2002, and have now worked with two generations of owners! Over the years we have extended our original site to include multilingual pages, a wildlife gallery and bulletin board. More recently we have migrated the entire site into WordPress, allowing Mark and Annabel to easily update this portion of the site. There are custom plugins to manage dive maps, the home page slide show and the online booking system.
The upper screenshot of the site is from its most recent iteration in 2014. This has a home page slide show and booking calendar. This built on the older site (shown below) incorporating the interactive dive maps and news archive from this.

The Centre for Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering (CBTE) 2002
The Centre for Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering (CBTE) drew on expertise in Engineering, Science and Medical faculties at the University of Sheffield to tackle problems in this complex area of applied science. We were active in researching content for the site, as well as in the final design.
The basic design remained unchanged between 2002 and 2010. We have researched and developed a number of new sections since that time, however, including an extended research section (with a major update in 2006).
In 2010 we re-built the site in the popular WordPress content management system. The new site gives CBTE staff the ability to edit content and easily add news and seminar information.

The Polymer Centre
The Polymer Centre is a high profile research centre, drawing its staff from within the University of Sheffield. It provides research, technical and training facilities to industry, but also acts as a shop window for research degrees at the University.
We were active in developemnt of this website from its inception in 2000, when we interviewed members for the original site content (material that also formed the basis for the Centre's first prospectus). The last design we were engaged with was developed in 2008 by Eleven Design. Our final works on the site included a staff database and news section based on the popular WordPress package.

The Organic Materials in Electronics Consortium represents a number of Universities around the UK engaged in the development of the next generation of optical and electronic materials.
First designed in 2002, the site is still very effective, so in 2009 only some small layout changes were required. Behind the scenes, however, we rebuilt the site in WordPress, which will allow our client to easily update and manage the site in future.
The WordPress installation also feeds news items to two other sites our client is engaged with, helping to disseminate research news quickly and effectively.

Coychurch Primary School
We designed the Coychurch Primary School website using the school colours and badge. The site needed to be simple and low maintenance, and fulfilled the desired role of providing a new internet presence for the school.
The banner featured a simple role-over, which translated the name of the school into Welsh (Ysgol Gynradd LLangrallo).
The role-over here used Flash, which was opening the way for reliable interactive sites at that time.

University of Sheffield Department of Chemistry
We were responsible for development and upkeep of the University of Sheffield's Department of Chemistry website between 2000 and 2003.
When we took the site on, it was the longest established departmental website at the University, and one of first Chemistry websites in the world, having been created by Mark Winter, an early proponent of using the web for teaching. Mark also created WebElements, the periodic table on the web - still one of the world's most popular educational websites!
Finally, we transferred the site to the central content management system, to comply with University policy. Subsequently the site has been kept up to date by secretarial staff at the department, and the current design reflects University style. (Current website).
Our earliest sites, in the mid to late 1990's, included work within an online teaching platform (WebCT, now 'Blackboard'), a couple of group sites and a very early conference site. Perhaps fortunately screen shots of these sites are no longer available...
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