
scientific and technical website design

Custom database driven sites
managing your data online

There are a number of occasions when it makes sense to manage data in an online environment, giving you the flexibility to query and update your data on the fly, from any machine, anywhere in the world. This accessibility also adds a number of security questions - principally, who else can see and modify this data, and how best to manage this access?

Over the last couple of decades, we have built custom online databases for people managing cultural assets, membership, stock and store management, self help patient records and chemical safety systems. In addition we have developed and adapted 'off-the-shelf' database driven websites to provide cost effective solutions for managing data on the web.

Mature Case Study: The COSHH Database

Screenshot of the COSHH website.

The University of Sheffield COSHH database has been built within the University's site templates to provide seamless integration with the support and administrative functions of the Department of Chemistry.

The site is a secured for access by Staff and students at the University, and allows staff and students to quickly prepare COSHH assessments, and for these assessments to be easily evaluated by the department prior to approval. It includes a simple chemical search facility, as well as a COSHH assessment lookup - valuable for preparing new assessments, or in case of accident and emergency.

This system has been managing safety-critical data online for over five years, and has been adapted to match the needs of many other departments since that time, re-couping much of the initial development cost for our University partner.

Further details of this extensive project are available on our blog post entitled COSHH online.

Barry Kaye is registered with the Information Commissioner as the data controller for CookandKaye. We undertake to handle all data for our clients in a secure manner, and all personal data according to the guidelines provided by ICO. Clients may request the current version of our written guidelines on data handling procedures at any time.

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